Weekly Digest 2024 Week2 (20240108-20240114)

刷长毛象刷到很多香油的 weekly digest, 很羡慕 + 为了逼自己多输入 + 通过固定的输入来舒缓即将开始上工的焦虑终于自己也开始写了!快乐!

说起来之前看豆瓣,看到有人评价一个帖子的帖主,讲 ta “认为读书时期优于打工时期。读书考试 = 未来还有可能性;毕业后打工 = 人生已经定型没什么可能性。” 我对于上工生活的恐惧和不安很大一部分也来自于这个,我的时间要被 9-5 (足够幸运的话)限制住,我的精力会极大程度上被工作占据,留给我自己的时间和精力都很少;一份份工作之间又很看重相关经历很难大幅度转行,导致我的人生很容易被人生初期选择的第一份工作定型。所以大概这次上工的主题就是,要想办法尽可能限制和压缩工作占我的生活的比例,不要为它付出太多东西。哦,与其说是工作,不如说要被限制的事情是上班这件事情,我大概还是爱工作。

最近想到,我上课的这半年,每个学期都是从第 4 周才开始学东西,然后第 8 周就考试,如果其他时候也能有这样的学习状态,不知道能学多少东西。但对我来说难的就是把自己调整到一个生产力高的状态里去,如果这方面有一点点进步的话,大概很多我想做的事情都能做到。

相比于上班,上学的生活真的让我觉得非常非常的轻松和快乐。说实话上学的这半年,我大概只用了上班时候的努力程度/时间/精力的 1/5, 得到的正反馈比一年只有 7 天年假、周末和晚上都会被随时打电话的上班时期多得多;而且学到的每一个东西都能让我感到我的努力让我自己多拥有了一个新东西,而工作只让我感到我做的所有事情都是在为别人做,对我自己来说没有任何的帮助。真不想那么快结束快乐的上学生活。

这周还去约了一个 fysio therapy,接诊的大哥真的好厉害。跟我说我的脖子疼、腰疼和腿疼都是因为站姿导致的,他帮我正骨完 + 教给我正确的站姿和坐姿之后,我确实感觉好了非常多,我到底是怎么忍受这种不舒服这么长时间的。而且他说站姿的一瞬间,我就想到为什么越小的年纪需要久站的活动越多,反而初中和高中少很多,老师们讲话都利落很多。

因为频繁去超市,这周出门多了一点,但是还是不够多,还是没有形成每天都大量时间在外面的 routine,但想不到办法,就像我暂时也想不到能够替代玩手机的事情一样,有点难过,但多尝试一下。

和完全不熟的人度过 10 天旅行让我好像对社交没那么恐惧或者紧张了,发现我的中文也没那么好之后讲英语也不那么紧张了。挺好。


最后,刚发现荷兰的低温会至少持续到 3 月,早知道就转运些冬衣来了。但算了,如果陪伴我很久的衣服在转运中丢了的话,我大概会很难接受。



The Banshees of Inisherin

tmd 第一次觉得看电影是一种煎熬,恨自己为什么订了中间的位置导致很难跑掉。爱尔兰英语听起来好困难,甚至我要靠荷兰语字幕来辨认主角们说了什么,比语言和字幕我都看不懂的那种还痛苦。2 个小时的电影纯线性叙事,对我这种无法集中注意力的人来说太过无聊,真的是坐牢的 2 个小时。



An artist with an unbreakable heart

这周边缘人的推文让我想到刚放假的时候去 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam 看的草间弥生展。

Looking back at the period of 1965 to 1970 from today’s perspective, we find a vulnerable artist in an unruly environment, yet at the same time we see the strength of a global artist with an unbreakable will. Everything that makes her famous and loved today is already there during her time in the Netherlands.



An artist’s role is “to make you realize the doom and glory of knowing who you are and what you are.” The measure of our creative vitality lies in how intimately we contact both the doom and the glory of being, what we make of the restless tension between our own poles, how we harmonize them into something beautiful.

Painting the artist as a divided creature that yearns for wholeness and turns that yearning into the creative act

Deal with uncertainty

Our capacity for hope — which has furnished the greatest achievements of our species — is rooted in our vulnerable self-consciousness

His decisions are not made for him by instinct. He has to make them. He is faced with alternatives and there is a risk of failure in every decision he makes. The price that man pays for consciousness is insecurity. He can stand his insecurity by being aware and accepting the human condition, and by the hope that he will not fail even though he has no guarantee for success. He has no certainty; the only certain prediction he can make is: “I shall die.

but the awareness of that fact

Man is born as a freak of nature, being within nature and yet transcending it. He has to find principles of action and decision making which replace the principles of instinct. He has to have a frame of orientation that permits him to organize a consistent picture of the world as a condition for consistent actions. He has to fight not only against the dangers of dying, starving, and being hurt, but also against another danger that is specifically human: that of becoming insane. In other words, he has to protect himself not only against the danger of losing his life but also against the danger of losing his mind. The human being, born under the conditions described here, would indeed go mad if he did not find a frame of reference which permitted him to feel at home in the world in some form and to escape the experience of utter helplessness, disorientation, and uprootedness. There are many ways in which man can find a solution to the task of staying alive and of remaining sane. Some are better than others and some are worse. By “better” is meant a way conducive to greater strength, clarity, joy, independence; and by “worse” the very opposite. But more important than finding the better solution is finding some solution that is viable.

a universal motive force of resilience and change

How to practice self-anthropology

3 steps to practice self-anthropology

  • Step 1: Set up your field journal a simple, low-friction way
  • Step 2: Capture your field notes
    • Insights: Your moments of curiosity, random thoughts, new ideas, and questions that spark your interest. 见解:您的好奇时刻、随机想法、新想法和激发您兴趣的问题。
    • Encounters: Your social interactions or new connections made and any insights or feelings that arose from them. 遭遇:您的社交互动或建立的新联系以及从中产生的任何见解或感受。
    • Mood: Your emotions during or after an experience, whether a meeting, a workout, a podcast, etc. 情绪:您在一次体验期间或之后的情绪,无论是会议、锻炼、播客等。
    • Energy: Your shifts in energy levels throughout the day, as well as what gives you energy or drains your energy. 能量:您一天中能量水平的变化,以及什么给您提供能量或消耗您的能量。
    • Other: Anything else that doesn’t fit in the previous categories. 其他:任何不属于前面类别的其他内容。
  • Step 3: Analyze your data
    • 评估现状 了解自己目前的处境
    • 提出研究问题 浏览你的笔记并寻找模式。什么在起作用?你的压力源和快乐源泉是什么?还有什么更好的呢?然后,就像科学家一样,将这些观察结果转化为研究问题。
    • 检验你的假设 重复一个动作足够多次以收集足够的数据
    • 分析结果 感觉如何?你成功地遵守了你的约定吗?如果没有,是什么阻碍了?不带任何判断地反思结果。
      • **提高适应性:**个人实验具有灵活性,使您能够根据不断变化的环境和偏好调整方法。
      • **系统创新:**个人实验常常会产生新颖的见解,从而激发出意想不到的解决方案。
      • **减轻压力:**个人实验减轻了实现预定结果的压力,培养了一种轻松的冒险感。
      • **增强决策能力:**通过尝试不同的方法,您可以做出更明智的决策,并避免刚性目标可能忽视的陷阱。


Twin transition skills dashboard

可以尝试复现下这玩意,而且这个作者是 Policy Economics 毕业的,查了下课程安排定量的东西也很多,好像比一般的社科更硬核且更有趣一点,但真的要学的话不知道怎么补中经的课。这个机构招 analyst 的话还需要申请人有至少一年的实证经验,存一下。


2024 台湾大选观察

学习下怎么得出 6 个重点的,但好像还是没有 valid 的线

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